Here I would like to share a personal theory with you. It's called "The Special Theory Of Beauty & Booty". It says that there are two types of beautiful girls: (1) cute 'n pretty and (2) hot 'n sexy. And never the twain shall meet.
The former is pretty and cute, with a care-free and bubbly personality.
You can have riveting conversations with her, on subjects of fun 'n fantasy till they announce breakfast, to your collective dismay. She can be an inspiration, a true friend, a valued companion and a great ally.
Sex with her can be great, but never spectacular. Her inhibitions and hangups ("Did you wash that thing ?...", "You wanna put it where ?...", "Eww!, I am all sweaty and icky"), tend to get in the way.
This girl is not just born a pretty face. She is the culmination of a well-rounded education, a grounded disposition and a privileged background that provided her with sufficient distance and shelter from the hard knocks of life that sow the seeds of cynicism and bitterness among the rest.
The latter is a sex bomb. She reeks of it.
From the way she caresses her tresses, to how she locks eyes and plays chicken with you, to win. When she walks, she swings her hips as if doing the tango with the wind. There is no need for witty repartee, or tete-a-tete in a corner.
This girl needs to be kneaded --like a pizza dough, covered in your special sauce(s), allowed to bake in the heat of passion. Then put on the counter top and split apart with your tool after which you devour her. From top to bottom, front to back, crust and all until your appendages, face and mouth is covered, with her. In her.
This girl is like Chinese food. After an hour you start feeling hungry and want more. Dirty, sweaty, icky is just the way she likes it and when she is done for the night, you pal... are done for the week.
I am not sure where to put Syra, just yet. She is so pretty, so sweet that you want to put her in front of you, look into her big brown eyes and just listen to her talk. It's like warbling of the sweetest nightingale. You wish you could go to sleep looking at this vision with the sweet music in your ears.
But then she is so sexy with a hot body that you want to make a Happy Meal of her. She may be the first one that defies the special laws of cute vs. sexy. As a fan, I am more than satisfied to just sit back and watch her do her thang on TV. I am pretty sure whoever is the lucky guy who ultimately gets to win her heart and hand, will be in for one hellavu ride, for the rest of his life.
I have one word for her: a-d-o-r-a-b-l-e.
One just hopes that this amazing beauty, this stylish cutie and chic hottie, continues to appear on-screen, for as long as she can (and wants to), so she may light-up our hearths and hearts. Syra is special. Not the kind that sits on the small bus, but one who shines atop the Christmas Tree.
For the complete set, click here.
Here is the accompanying video, so you can get an idea of what I have been yammering about:
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