You can tell that she hasn't done this kinda thing before (how many have ?) and feels a bit self-conscious dancing with a pro. She does start to get into it, half-way into the song.
There are dozens of VJs on TV today. They are fair, tall, pretty, cultured, hip and happen'in to varying degrees. Very few however, are blessed with the innate ability to connect with an audience. Such is the well-deserved reputation of VJ Sehrish on PlayTV.
Sehrish has a sunny and sweet disposition. She is engaging, a good listener, kindhearted soul with the ability to laugh freely at herself. One time she confessed on her show that the staff considers her a "Bun-Kabab", while her friends' opinion oscillates between that and "Burger". Which only underscores her range and wide appeal.
Sehrish is a traditional eastern beauty with an oval face, large expressive eyes and clear honey skin. She has a pear-shaped body type, with a modest rack that will likely grow to a respectable size as she puts on a few more pounds .
But her out-standing feature is the one you rarely get to see, her butt. It had remained out-of-sight, till this bit. You rarely see this quality outside of Latin America.
The big, round, solid apple-butt. Some of the prettiest pin-ups don't even have "a" butt, let alone a pretty one and it's such a downer.
Unlike colored eyes, long hair, large tits, narrow hips or pouty lips... you can't fool others into believing you have a great butt. While we all love large tits, they have less than half the shelf-life of a round butt.
Lastly, if desi gals are going to wear tight-fitting jeans, I suggest that they start wearing thongs under them, which is the established norm abroad. Why ?, because no visible panty lines.
You see it here everywhere. Gals running around with clear panty-lines under their jeans. Unless the cut of the underwear is wildly interesting, it looks provincial. With thongs, it's the stealth factor. You don't know what's up, or going down.
But then again, we have a long-standing desi tradition of titillating (read: torturing) the guys with dark underwears under light-colored, diaphanous dresses. Jeans are the latest addition to their arsenal.
Here is the accompanying video. Sehrish has a charming personality that a picture just isn't able to do justice to. Enjoy.
Btw, anybody know which song this is ?. It's got a good beat to it.
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