If one was expecting the diva from the bhangra video, or the star of many drama serials and lollywood movies to turn up, you'll be pleasantly surprised. Tehreem is not an airhead or a diva, given to flights of fancy and temper tantrums, besotted with affected accents and airs like the Meeras and the Nirmas. She comes across as someone quite normal and grounded. A working girl with a progressive outlook, yet one who is keenly mindful of traditional values with the guts to uphold them against the popular tide. That's called character, a trait which is fast losing appeal among the masses.
One of the banes of morning shows today are the waves of palmists, numerologists, astrologers, etc inflicting themselves upon a weary nation. With the prevailing insecurity and resulting helplessness paralyzing the public, these shysters are making out like bandits. When one tried to make too much of his own abilities, Tehreem was quick to put it into context, albeit in a tactful manner. The numerologist was left grinding his teeth on the set.
In our part of the world, a beautiful female is either put on a pedestal or thrown into the gutter. Both domiciles of comparable contempt and servitude to a male, who is largely ignorant and thus deathly afraid of her sexuality. Women like Tehreem are increasingly a dilemma for the neandrathal, who has yet to make room for the beautiful (desirable), talented (threatening) and wise (worthy of respect) woman around him.
Here, we can escape these quandaries and merely contemplate the beautiful and sexy Tehreem. These caps are from her Lollywood feature Pyar Hee Pyar Main. The song is, Tum Meray Ho.
She is a tall, fair Aphrodite with long silken tresses and beguiling curves. Add charm, charisma and a real personality and you have a winning combination. Clearly, there is no dearth of beauty and talent in our fair land. Only proper forums and springboards to unleash them upon the world.
Here's the accompanying video.
Notice she is wearing clunky black basketball shoes underneath her saris in part of the dance sequence. She is clomping around the countryside, like the Frankenstein monster. What was the director thinking ?. Anyway, maybe you didn't even notice.
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