You can easily seperate the program hosts based on their intellect and hard work, or beauty and charisma. It's the dominant trait of the two, that carries their show. Rarely will you find a host blessed with both, like Sadia.
All things aside, the one thing that stands out with Sadia is that she is a tigress. She comes prepared with a game plan for the show and executes it efficiently. The biggest problem of hosting a show of a political nature in Paksitan, is that you have to routinely deal with uncivilized animals, lower down on the food chain.
They will try to obfuscate, side-step and go off on tangents. Anything to hide their kaaley kartoot. That's where hosts like Sadia (and Talat Hussain) are so effective. With her unflinching resolve and steely focus, she is able to get right to the meat of the issue. With Sadia at the tiller, you are assured that the show will not be lost in the high waters of blah-blah.
I have seen senior politicians, analysts and so on trying to brow-beat her, patronize her, thinking it'll be easy-pickings with a female host. But none of the usual tricks work on Sadia. She remains unpreturbed, her mind working like a supercomputer, coming back and hitting them hard. Those who are not disarmed by her beauty, fall prey to her brains. The old 1-2 (punch).
I took the caps of her holding the pen in her hand, because I thought that this was significant. She was using the pen to cross out and lay out the queries on a sheet of paper in front of her. In between, she was playing around with it and for some time she held it up and proceeded to stroke and caress it.
I caught the old general 'looking' and couldn't resist adding those caps. Gen. Talat Masood retired a long time ago, but it looks like he's still got some lead in his pencil.
I don't blame him. A smart, beautiful woman with piercing eyes and those delicate hands with long, slender fingers of polished ivory, playing with a 6" pencil is liable to recruit any veteran back into action.
Here is a video from the same show, for yout to see Sadia in her element.
Here are the rest of the complete set of Sadia Afzaal, from her show Nuqta-e-Etraaz, which aired on Tuesday, July 22nd, 2008 on PTV News.
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