If those long, dark, perfectly coiffed sexy hair and the shapely round tits remind you of another Geo anchor, Sana Tariq, you are not alone. She could easily pass as the vampy younger sister to the regrettably MIA Geo anchor.
Asma has movie star looks, refined manner and a quite confidence that immediately sets her apart from the rest of the herd (Moo! you herd me right). The first thing that comes to your mind when you see her, is what the heck is she doing on a news channel ?. Actually, that's the second thing. The first thing is, "F*** me, who the hell is she ?!".
If life was fair and good to us, Asma would be taking-on roles in movies that have made Monica, Paz and Milla famous and there would be a lot less tension, terror and turmoil in our neck of the woods as a result. Who can think of blowing people up today, when you can look forward to seeing her tomorrow ?. You would have to be nuts...
Imagine her wearing a band-aid in the Pak version of The Fifth Element, or making a go of it as a young war widow in Malena. She could pull it off and she'd be great at it.
She has a petite frame, with gravity-defying round tits that sit defiantly and proudly on her chest. Her kurtas are cut to emphasize their sublime beauty, much like Sana (O' why has thou forsaken us!). The majesty and perfection of her tits remind me of the golden apples from the movie Hercules.
In that movie, Hercules had to go and get those apples, in order to marry the princess. I remember really wanting to eat those perfect golden apples. Still do. I want! I want! I want!... I need! I need! I need!.
In some pics you can clearly make out the half-cup of the blessed bra, that has been chosen to support the precious cargo. If those points sticking out in the middle are her nipples then they must be just as excited as Asma, to be featuring on Geo TV. And this is without anybody going up and tweaking, pulling, pinching... them. At full mast, they could poke an eye out.
Asma was obliged to wear a t-shirt under a working jacket on Express News. You can tell she's not used to wearing a dupatta, because when it gets snagged and pulled to the middle, she's not immediately concerned. It's a reflex thing. But alas, we are still a long ways away from the anchors at NudeNews.
She may not measure up, up there, but she does remind me of Elvira, Mistress of the Dark. Aside from sharing similar dark looks, they have this mischievous twinkle in their eyes and emotive facial expressions. Note the way her eyebrows knit together or rise apart, in concern or surprise. The lips purse together in excitement and when she's happy or amused, that pair of startlingly gorgeous dimples appear across her face. Unlike the stolid and wooden expressions of most newscasters, she is vibrant, dynamic and a-l-i-v-e. And therein lies her charm.
It's no mystery. Something that's palpably dangerous, uniquely attractive and clearly unattainable is supremely desirable to any hot-blooded person.
I haven't seen anchors this pretty and dolled-up, since FoxNews started it's broadcast in the US. Patty Ann Brown may have large tits, but she would look downright dowdy next to Asma. These Pak girls are prettier, smarter and spunkier than anybody out there and they deserve to rule our hearts and play with our... erm, emotions.
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