If you ever imagined a desi with her feet tucked behind her ears, you are in luck. What manner of exercise were these guys promoting here anyway ?. I don't know and frankly, I don't care. I just wish they would give her, her own 1 hour show. I could watch this the whole damn day.
The thing that stands out in my mind about her, aside from her obvious physical charms, was her intense focus. She really seemed to be into this stretching & yoga stuff. If you observe closely, some of it comes out even in these pictures. She's either real driven. Or real mad.
She is quite apparently at the apex of her girly goodness. Observe how everything is toned, supple and firm. She probably doesn't even need a bra for those perky mouthfuls.
But the real show stopper is her lower body. I don't have to tell you people. It don't look this good, unless you are pushing your body throughout the week.
And she shows you how she keep her body looking this good, by going through manuvers that would throw your back out the window, or paralyze you for life.
I have another set of her, doing similar things in a different outfit. As Justice Potter Stewart put it, 'You can tell quality, when you see it', or something like dat.
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