And they're like, it's better than yours,
Damn right, it's better than yours,
I can teach you, but I have to charge
[Kelis - Milkshake]
I remember a time when tennis stars and Lollywood movie actresses used to be shown in DAWN and JANG regularly with their thighs and cleavages blacked-out by editors. They would neatly and diligently dress them up, from their necks down to their heels in black sherwani and pajamas. Sometimes an editor would get fancy and make a little string of black pearls adorning a beautiful neck. I grew up thinking that's how these gals chose to dress up in the morning. In black Sharpee and DOLLAR ink.
It was during these oppressive and suffocating times that models like Iraj and Vinnie threw down the gauntlet and chose modeling as a profession. At a time when the word "model" was seen synonymous with 'slut' and 'tramp' among the moral majority. Young models today, owe a lot to these pioneer women. These trailblazers who took the heat from all corners of society in the beginning, so that today any farigh pretty face can casually go and become a model, without the Khudai Faujdars chasing her with sticks and with the tacit support of the state.
Iraj is an Amazon class model. She has been on the scene for decades now. Her early portfolios feature a gorgeous face and a svelte figure. While that may be on the wane, what she still retains and does better than anybody else, is communicate. She doesn't meander onto the runway and get back in, like most. She gets into a role and acts it out on the runway as the whole world watches. She will flutter her lashes, swivel her hips, wink at the camera and work the crowd on every outing, as if she was one of those Fan Girls from the 1930s. Farrah Fawcett (may she rest in peace) defined acting as, "Standing naked on a stage and turning.... slowly". Which means, to act well is to be fearless, and Iraj certainly fits the bill.
Following are caps from a recent runway shoot she did. Btw, have any of you ever had honey-glazed, Hickory-smoked beef ?. Well, it's dark, rich, velvety soft with a light smokey aroma that melts in your mouth, like butter. Once you start, it's hard to hold yourself back. I don't know, I just started getting flashbacks of it. Strange, huh ?.
The dress clearly does not allow for a bra, or any such restraint. Her tits are on their own and they are simply amazing for her age... actually for any age. There are no stretch marks, no sign of droop-age. Instead, the tits exhibit a firmness and buoyancy, especially around the edges (which are the first to let go), that any teen would be proud to have. There is no hint of plastic surgery here. It's all real and it is le magnifique.
Sadly, the same cannot be said about her ass, which according to my research, has always been flat. Which just means she hasn't lost any ground there either. But then you can't have everything. A lot of prettier models have followed Iraj, but few possess the charm and charisma of this great, who is still going strong.
Following is the video of the same event. Don't be too hard on the rewind button.