Sophia Mirza rejoined the media upon her return to Pakistan. A veteran of print and TV, she is now doing modelling shoots and appearing regularly on fashion related events. Still in her twenties and having been blessed with unique angular facial features, a curvaceous figure and some acting skills which can be further developed, there is no reason why she shouldn't shine as a bright star in the rapidly developing media market at home.
That was a brief synopsis of her bio. Now we investigate another kind of back ground. Usually, when you think of Sophia Mirza, you think of a beautiful face with amazing bone structure. The sharp jawline, straight nose, large expressive eyes and heart-shaped lips. But what isn't explored and kept under wraps, is her spectacular butt.
It is not every day that you see a North American face, on a South American body.
Connoisseurs of the derrière need no explaining that all butts are not created equal. While amateurs think it's all about size, it is not. It is the shape, density and texture which separates any ordinary fat butt, from a phat butt. While the former will make you skip lunch, the latter will bring on the munchies.
The biggest prize in the butt category is the highly sought-after and elusive "Bubble Butt", which Sophia Mirza proudly boasts. It is round, it is firm and it is out there. The smaller ones are referred to as "Apple Bottoms". Diamonds may be forever, but butts are for a lifetime. Long after boobs have lost the fight with gravity and turned into silly putty, a bubble butt will still be singing Bob Seger's tune:
Like a rock, I was strong as I could be
Like a rock, nothin' ever got to me
Like a rock, I was something to see
Like a rock
[Bob Seger, Like A Rock]
These caps and accompanying video remind us what else is special about Sophia. A legacy she carries behind her, butt, can't boast about. It is therefore, incumbent upon sahib-e-nazar and everybody with good taste to acknowledge, appreciate and celebrate such rare attributes.
Sophia Mirza is beautiful; whether she is coming or going.
After going through a series of butts, for research of course, I believe I have found similar construction on a few girls. Mind you, it took some doing to find matching quality and size. These girls are prized and highly regarded for such blessings. For folks who want to pay their respects, they can watch sightings here, and observe how such natural wonders are properly nurtured and cared for, in other parts of the world.
Sophia Mirza video accompanying the above caps is presented below. The designer of her plastic bubble, the lime green leggings and top is Design-O-Rama.