In fact, she confessed through that husky, nasal twang (or maybe the poor thing was just working through a nasty cold) that she preferred to wear "western clothes".
Laila is walking, talking sex-appeal. The mane of thick, curly, raven hair atop an oval face, high arching brows, sharp features arranged beneath those large almond eyes and luscious, pouty lips leave little to be desired. Oh, but there is more to follow yet.
Laila is a petite gal, but blessed with an impressive rack. The tiny waist and hips are further accentuated by a handful of round derrier (booty for you hip-hop guyz) that most girls in the west dream about.
In this particular video, she is made out to be a gothic 'emo' chick. The video starts out with her extending her arms out and tracing the red bands of bruises across the insides ("cutting"). This vignette will most likely escape those who are unfamiliar with this phenomenon.
She looks into the mirror and black tears come pouring out of her eyes and drop down into the drain.
She remembers and gets upset, pulls at her hair and then breaks the bathroom mirror.
She has been subjected to lies, broken promises and led down the garden path by a heartless schemer in the guise of a lover. Or so I understand.
She sits under the shower, crying, the tears leaving black streaks across her anguished face.
All very moving, but aside from a fabulous song, the star of this video is Laila. A cross between Eliza Dushku and Amy Winehouse (back when she wasn't 'using' that much) here. Her short segments leave a lasting impression. And it's not just the shapely curves on an amazing bod. She gives a great performance. Unless you follow the band, all you remember of them is some creepy, bearded guy trying to eat the mic when he's not trying to get into your face.
You can catch the whole video here. Great music. Smokin chick. Good time. Laila rocks!